All copyright forms are public and can be made available upon request. Copyright records and indexes are available for free. Alternatively, a fee can be charged to cover the cost of production. Any records held by the copyright office are to be held and distributed based on the rules and regulations followed by the Copyright Office. These public copyright forms and indexes are available for inspection by the public.
Catalog of Copyright Entries
The Copyright Office periodically publishes catalogs of all copyright entries. The catalogs are organized based on what type of work is being copyrighted and the function it may serve. The Copyright Office formulates its own opinion on what information should be published regarding each copyright registration. Practicality and usefulness are two of the main factors examined to determine how much and what specific information will be published for each copyright registration.
Other Forms
The Copyright Office must furnish all copyright forms requesting a copyright for a work as well as any forms explaining the functions and any other general information pertaining to the Copyright Office. The Copyright Office has the power and authority to publish any other information such as indexes, bibliographies and any other material that may be of value to the public.
Distribution of Publications
All publications made by the Copyright Office are sent to depository libraries. Any copyright forms that are not free may be made available to the public to purchase for a fee to cover the cost of production.